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Draconian Oppresion of Free Speech by United Kingdom Government PDF Print E-mail
Written by Marcus Potter   

Western countries have frequently criticized Russia, North Korea, et al, for having oppressive regimes that suppress free speech and employ draconian punishments to intimidate their citizens into silence. But, in a rampant display of hypocrisy, the United Kingdom government engages in behavior every bit as oppressive as the other countries it criticizes so harshly.

My name  is Marcus Potter,  and  I have  personally been  the  victim of bullying  by the  Police,  Crown Prosecutors and courts. Indeed, the actions taken against me by these agencies of the UK government  have  been  so  ludicrous,  so  childish,  so  outright  farcical,  that  any  sane  person  would  laugh  at  their behavior. I would laugh too if it was not causing such major damage to my life, and inflicting so much  pain on me.

My hobby is video recording the Police. In the UK this is a lawful activity. I have a YouTube  channel where I publish my videos. Many people consider my work to be a valuable public service. When the Police are unmonitored they often infringe upon the rights of the public, in some cases with unjustified  violence. My work serves both to collect evidence of Police misconduct, and deter some of their more egregious violence. Unfortunately the Police have sought to suppress my lawful activities. They have done  so  with  the  full  knowledge  and  compliance  of  the  Crown  Prosecution  Service  and  the  Courts. Thus this oppression of legitimate citizen journalism is carried out with the full knowledge and consent of the UK government.

On one occasion I was sent to prison for making a finger gesture at a police building while walking  past it on the public sidewalk. The Police officers inside alleged that my simple gesture caused them to feel  frightened  and  upset  even  though  they  were  inside  a  secure  building  with  access  control  and  guarded by Police officers, and I was outside the building just walking by. Not only does this violate my rights to free speech, but indeed if the Police are such cowards that they are put in terror by the finger  gesture  of  a  gentle  man  walking  past  their  building  then  clearly  they  are  not  capable  of functioning as Police officers.

The courts have now imposed a Criminal Behavior Order on me that forbids me from:

  • Recording (by film, sound or photograph) any member of the Police service based within the county of Norfolk
  • Engaging in a conversation with anyone about Norfolk Constabulary whilst knowingly within the earshot of any Norfolk Police Officer.
  • Not to approach any member of Norfolk Constabulary except if you are in danger or need to report a crime.
  • Not to speak to, telephone, write to, email, fax or correspond with in any way directly or indirectly with any member of Norfolk Constabulary except if you are in danger, need to report a crime or have been written to or approached by a member of Norfolk Constabulary.

My YouTube channel is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfns4tualsI Indeed, in this video  you  can clearly see a  Norfolk Police  Officer,  PC 54 David  Allum, act  aggressively towards a innocent  member  of  the  public.  Towards  the  end  of  the  video  PC  Allum  makes  a  mock  charge  at  a member  of the  public  while  shouting  verbally  aggressive  threats.  Under  UK  law  this  is  common assault. But yet PC Allum will face no disciplinary action for this aggressive behavior, while I am sent to prison for merely making a finger gesture while passing a secure Police building in which the Police are securely and safely tucked up inside.

I hope  that you  will find my story newsworthy and  of interest  to your readers.  It will  provide some balance to the anti-Russian sentiment of the western press. Please contact me if you wish to proceed to publish my story. I can provide you with more detail, and rigorous evidence to substantiate my claims.

How Do The Police Decide Who Is The Victim And Who Is The Offender? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Stephen Roberts   
How Did The Suffolk Constabulary Kill Ian Roy Durrands? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ghost of Ian Roy Durrands   

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