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How to Handle a Police Interview PDF Print E-mail
Written by Beverly Williams   


How to Handle a Police Interview

Note: This article is focused on the United Kingdom, but may be useful for other jurisdictions.

So, you have just been arrested and you are waiting in the holding cells at the Police Station waiting for the Police to interview you. If this is your first time getting arrested you might be a little bit scared, wondering what will happen next. Thoughts might be swirling around in your head as to what you will say in the interview. Will you confess to whatever it is they have arrested you for, throw yourself on the mercy of the Police? Or will you insist on your innocence? If the accusations against you are serious the way you conduct yourself during the upcoming interview could profoundly affect the rest of your life, and you have so little time to prepare yourself. You just want someone to tell you what to do, to make the difficult decisions for you. Will a lawyer arrive to save your ass, tell you exactly what to say? Well, unless you have a mob lawyer's business card at the ready you will have to make many of these difficult decisions yourself. So, without further delay, let's see how this situation will pan out.


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